Counting Cards Might Be Smart But Counting Luck Isn't

Counting Cards Might Be Smart But Counting Luck Isn't

That’s the Gist from Netflix’s Heist Film ‘21’

It may have been a decade since the best-selling book was remade into a box-office success, but ‘21’ remains a timeless creation to date. In the month of August, ‘08’ is equivalent to ‘发’, what other timing is perfect but now to take a trip down memory lane and revisit one of the monumental gambling films!


This August, Let’s Pass on Counting Luck

Well, things took a downturn when Ben Campbell, the team’s ace, decided to lose track of counting cards, and begin to count luck and gamble instead. I guess a tell-tale signal of the show would be to play smart and not bet on things in life.


Don’t Let Skincare and Gut Health Be a Gamble

One of the reasons ‘21’ remain a timeless creation would be its underlying ‘moral of the day’ – don’t gamble. Likewise, the AVALON® Health & Beauty Team shares the same sentiments with regards to picking the best products for a healthy gut and complexion!

Ever tried multiple different products only to realise your skin doesn’t improve? Ever experienced poor bowel movements and took a bet with laxatives? Pro-tip: Never let detox and skincare be a gamble. Sensitive skin and gut should be taken care of meticulously, not carelessly! Let AVALON® Aloe Multiple Detox be your saving grace this August.


“That was over 40 years ago, and the words still catch.”

Ben Campbell narrated in the opening sequence of the movie. And the words he referred to? Winner, winner, chicken dinner. A famous line the dealer would utter when a casino-goer gets 21 on a Blackjack round.

AVALON® Aloe Multiple Detox might just be your winner as it not only facilitates detox, as its name suggests, but also offers a bonus of improving skin complexion! Let’s be winners in life, not by gambling, but by carting our share of Aloe Multiple Detox!


What’s the Catch? There are Just SO MANY detox products out there…

Or so you might wonder. To begin with, AVALON® Aloe Multiple Detox has been awarded the Best Selling Detox Supplement for the 15th consecutive year in Singapore! This significant milestone could not have been achieved without the continuous trust of our customers and products’ effectiveness. To top off this accolade, AVALON® Aloe Multiple Detox has no laxatives! It eases feelings of bloating and does not induce the revolted side effect of laxatives – abdominal pain. With all-natural Aloe Vera and probiotics, be sure to enjoy a thorough and relaxed cleansing of your gut.

Poor Ben Campbell looks like he, too, needs a good detox after sleepless nights worrying about his discreditation. Our body accumulates toxins due to late night sleep, smoking, poor diet, alcohol consumption, environmental pollution and more! These toxins are stored in our body, causing constipation, lethargy, poor immunity and other leading health problems.

Speaking of which, you may also consider AVALON® JustUme, Unity’s popular choice for those with poor bowel movements! Don’t worry Ben, we’ll be sure to reserve a box of Aloe Multiple Detox for you. As for the rest of you beauties, what are you waiting for? Hurry snag them gems!

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