SAVE This Mother's Day

SAVE This Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a challenge for many this year as one may face not only the stress of shopping but also their fear of the COVID-19. And while shopping online can be a great solution, the struggles are strangers to no one. With endless choices and the simplicity of checking out, one might just cross a whole new level of unpayable.

To save you from sinking into the black hole, here are a few ideas to achieve that smile of happiness and approval.

 #1 Jewelry


Every woman loves a good bling and there is a piece of jewelry out there for every mother. Jewelry is a special memento that can be treasured for a lifetime. For those on a tight budget, jewelry can be found at multiple price points. You can have it wrapped in a gift box to go along with a handmade card. Classy and affordable. You can never go wrong with jewelry.

 #2 Flowers

orchid flowers

Orchids are a popular choice of flower which can be an alternative expression of love. They usually symbolize strength, thoughtfulness and beauty. Everything that mothers are.

The symbolic meaning of Orchids varies by their colors.

Red: Strength and Courage

Green: Good health and longevity

Furthermore, you’ll be surprised to find out how many amazing benefits Orchids have on your skin. Bringing to light that beauty comes from within.

 #3 Anti-aging skincare and beauty products

anti-aging skincare beauty products

Mothers cook, clean and give long lectures aka nagging. As time consumes their youth, signs of aging become more prominent. Unwanted wrinkles and fine lines start appearing on their skin like an unwanted party guest. Sad to say, aging is irreversible, and it often feels like a nightmare to mothers.

The introduction of anti-aging products has been the answer for many. We see many skincare brands launching anti-aging products factored with other properties and benefits which are claimed to do wonders for aging skin.

Every individual has different skin types and with many anti-aging products out in the market, it is important to buy the right one.

#4 Beauty Drinks

An alternative to anti-aging products is beauty drinks. These beauty drinks contain collagen. In layman terms, collagen is the protein in the body that provides that young and supple look to the skin we all crave for. Unfortunately, a body’s natural collagen level depletes as we age.

Collagen in the body starts to decrease by 30% from mid 20’s onwards. This can lead to all sorts of skin issues. Imagine the damage sustained by mothers.

Collagen can help replenish skin cells and lock in moisture.

However, taking collagen on its own is unavailing if not taken with stem cells. As the body ages, skin cells take longer time to repair on its own. Stem cells are Oompa Loompas for the body as they work to repair and regenerate damaged skin cells.

avalon stemcell beauty drink

AVALON® Stemcell Beauty Drink encompasses all the goodness above. It is a sparkling beauty drink with Orchid Stemcell and Premium French Marine Collagen; the secret to ever-lasting youthful skin. It helps to deeply repair and regenerate damaged skin cells for optimal absorption of collagen and nutrients.

Research have shown that Orchid Stem cells have superior anti-ageing effects. It is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Basically, the essentials to combat an aged skin.

98.1% out of 259 Singaporean testers have felt a difference in a Singapore test concluded in June 2019.

AVALON® Stemcell Beauty Drink is convenient and refreshing to consume. These key ingredients coupled with Vitamin C, Acerola Cherry and Litchi Seed extract are the ultimate gift to help mothers fight their archnemesis - aging.

Flowers, beauty and wellness. Going at 10 bottles for $59, Avalon Stemcell Beauty Drink got you covered this Mother’s Day. Plus it will not burn a hole in your pocket.


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