Your No.1 Choice For
Hangover Relief +
Liver Detox.

Made with OPITAC™, the only clinically proven Glutathione to boost alcohol metabolism

certified highest DHM purity at 98%, sourced from Japanese Raisin Tree Extract

our hero ingredient, Japanese Raisin Tree Extract, is the only source of DHM backed by clinical studies that showed a favorable effect on hangovers

Party Hard,
Recover Easy
Key Benefits of AVALON TGIF

Improves Alcohol Metabolism

Defends + Supports Liver Health During Drinking

Eases Hangover Symptoms

Replenishes Essential Vitamins + Nutrients

Meet Our
Hero Ingredients
Dihydromyricetin (DHM) - Japanese Raisin Tree Extract

Dihydromyricetin (DHM) is a potent flavonoid compound found in the Japanese Raisin Tree Extract (Hovenia dulcis) which has been observed to accelerate the body’s ability to break down acetaldehyde, a toxic product of alcohol metabolisation. Japanese Raisin Tree Extract has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine as a natural remedy for hangover and liver protection.
How Does It Work?

DHM triggers the liver to produce more alcohol-gobbling enzymes: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) & acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Studies suggest that DHM metabolizes alcohol faster by boosting the efficacy of ADH and ALDH, enabling the enzymes to convert alcohol into simpler forms the body can eliminate easier.
This helps to:

suppress the levels of inflammatory cytokines triggered by excessive alcohol intake, helping to mediate against cellular damage to the liver and other organs.

inhibit fat accumulation in the liver. Heavy doses of alcohol can negatively affect the liver’s metabolism, leading to an accumulation of fat, increased stress and the eventual progression to liver diseases such as cirrhosis.

reduce “Asian flush”, which is said to be a result of a genetic ALDH2 deficiency that impairs the breakdown of acetaldehyde.
Clinical Study
Clinical trials with 26 subjects showed a favorable effect of DHM on hangovers.
26 eligible male adults with deficient acetaldehyde metabolism (23.7±0.3 years old)
1. Subjects consumed 360mL of Korean Soju (50g alcohol) together with Japanese Raisin Tree Extract: DHM (2460mg) or matched placebo with subsequent crossover.
2. The blood samples were taken at baseline and 1, 4, and 12h post-treatment.

□ placebo ■ DHM
i. The total hangover score decreased after 1 h, showing significantly greater decreases at 4 h and 12 h in the DHM group compared to the placebo group
ii. The 14 items evaluated in the hangover symptom index were significantly improved in the DHM group compared with the placebo group
iii. The subjects consuming DHM had higher well-being at 12 h after alcohol consumption
The results suggest that a favorable effect of DHM on alcohol hangovers might be associated with enhancing homeostatic regulation of inflammatory response.
Reference: Kim H, Kim YJ, Jeong HY, et al. A standardized extract of the fruit of Hovenia dulcis alleviated alcohol-induced hangover in healthy subjects with heterozygous ALDH2: A randomized, controlled, crossover trial. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2017 Sep;209:167-174. DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2017.07.028. PMID: 28750942.
OPITAC™ Glutathione

OPITAC™ L-Glutathione Reduced (GSH) is a powerful antioxidant composed of three amino acids (cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid) that is produced in the human body. OPITAC™ Glutathione is the world’s only glutathione that has been notified to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as GRAS (the indication of safety as a food ingredient).
How Does It Work?
OPITAC TM Glutathione’s high antioxidant activity supports:

liver detoxification

excretion of hazardous substances

liver health
When adequate levels of glutathione are available in the liver, alcohol detoxification goes smoothly. However, one evening of heavy drinking will quickly deplete the liver’s stores of glutathione. This causes the whole body to suffer: Free radical damage increases, the immune system is weakened and toxins begin to build up in the body.
Supplementation with OPITAC™ Glutathione can result in replenishing levels of glutathione.
Glutathione Depleting Factors

OPITAC™ Oral Absorption

Clinical Study 1
Clinical trial with 12 subjects showed a significant decrease in the breath alcohol concentration following the intake of oral Yeast Extract (YH) with a high Glutathione content and a lower tendency to experience hangover symptoms.
12 healthy adult men and women with drinking experience and no history of drug use and alcoholism
3 study groups:
Placebo: tablets consisting of 660 mg lactose
YH: 670 mg YH (equivalent to 100 mg GSH)
Curcuma: Curcuma (equivalent to 30 mg curcumin)
1.Abstained from alcohol on the day before the study commenced
2.Consumed rice balls and the test meals approximately 1 hour before drinking alcohol on the day of the study
3.The whiskey (40 degrees) was double diluted with an amount equal to the subject’s weight × 1.25 mL, and the subject was instructed to drink the entire sample within 10 minutes
Evaluated laboratory parameters:
1) Breath alcohol concentration (mg/L) measured using an alcohol checker 20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes after alcohol consumption. The breath alcohol concentration (parameter 1) was measured five times in total before and after drinking alcohol (before and 20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes after drinking alcohol)
2) Subjective feeling questionnaire, which consisted of seven items, “sobriety returned,” “sleepiness,” “headache,” “upset stomach,” “swelling,” “flush,” and “light-headedness”. Items were assessed using a five-point scale. Higher points indicated that the symptoms described above such as sleepiness and headache were milder.
The study was a crossover comparative study, and each stage was conducted similarly at an interval of 1 week or more.

The breath alcohol concentration of the YH group significantly decreased 20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes after alcohol consumption compared to that of the placebo and curcuma groups.
Therefore, the results suggest that YH intake possibly decreased the breath alcohol concentration.

1) The results of the analysis of the subjective feeling questionnaire also demonstrated higher points in the YH and curcuma groups than in placebo group.
2) The YH group was confirmed to have scored higher points in the “sleepiness,” “headache,” and “upset stomach” items than the curcuma group did.
1.Following its absorption in the stomach and small intestine and circulation into the blood, alcohol is broken down into acetaldehyde by oxidation by hepatic enzymes. Acetaldehyde is the causative substance responsible for the symptoms of alcohol intoxication such as headache and nausea.
2.The results of this study showed a significant decrease in the breath alcohol concentration following the intake of the Glutathione-containing yeast extract 1 hour before alcohol consumption. Park et al. reported that the oral intake of Glutathione increased the plasma Glutathione levels after 60 to 120 minutes. As shown in the study, the increase was probably due to the ingested Glutathione, which circulated to the liver via the plasma 1 or 2 hours after the intake and subsequently converted the alcohol to acetaldehyde.
3.Considering that the subjects in the YH group showed a lower tendency to experience headache or nausea as a subjective feeling than those in the placebo group did, Glutathione, which is a principal component of YH-15, appeared to metabolize the acetaldehyde promptly.
References: Kaji N, Konishi T, Sauchi Y. Effects of a Yeast Extract with a High Glutathione Content on Breath Alcohol and Hepatic Function in Human Volunteers. New Food Industry (New Food Indust.) 2016 Vol.58 No.10
Clinical Study 2
Clinical trial with 12 subjects showed that intake of oral Yeast Extract (YH) with a high Glutathione content has a long-term effect on improving hepatic function, in addition to its immediate effects after alcohol consumption.
12 patients who were confirmed to have reached the upper limit of the indicator of mild hepatic disorder (patients with hepatic steatosis or a tendency to develop hepatic steatosis)
2 study groups:
Placebo: tablets consisting of dextrin
YH: 333 mg YH (equivalent to 50 mg of GSH).
1.The subjects took the test meals once daily, and the length of the study was 2 months.
2.After the test substance administration period, the plasma AST levels were measured.
3.In the statistical analysis, the mean AST level ± standard deviation (SD) was calculated, and the difference between groups was determined using t-test

The rate of change in the plasma AST levels of the subjects after 2 month, which is shown in Figure 3, reveals that the rate of the YH group was significantly lower than that of the placebo group. Therefore, the AST levels showed a tendency to decrease significantly after YH intake.
1.The changes in plasma AST after the 2-month intake of YH suggest that YH had a long-term effect on improving hepatic function, in addition to its immediate effects after alcohol consumption. The production of active oxygen is considered to be involved in the progression of the alcoholic hepatic disorder. GSH acts as antioxidant to protect cell from reactive oxygen or peroxide compounds inside cells. GSH appears to delay this progression by removing active oxygen.
2.Also, GSH is reported to enhance the lipid metabolism by activating PGC-1α which upregulates the mitochondrial biogenesis. This fact might suggest that GSH intake prevented the progress of the hepatic disorder by enhancing the hepatic lipid metabolism, which eventually suppressed AST level.
3.Another possibility is that YH contains a small percentage of the amino acids, arginine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), as well as GSH. Some reports have indicated that the amino acids not only promote alcohol metabolism but they also effectively improve hepatic function. Therefore, the amino acids in the yeast extract used in the study might also have worked synergistically, to the delays observed in this study.
References: Kaji N, Konishi T, Sauchi Y. Effects of a Yeast Extract with a High Glutathione Content on Breath Alcohol and Hepatic Function in Human Volunteers. New Food Industry (New Food Indust.) 2016 Vol.58 No.10
Meet Our
SideKick Ingredients
2 Step
Alcohol Metabolism

Alcohol is metabolized in 2 separate steps, which involves two alcohol gobbling enzymes—alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). These enzymes help break apart the alcohol molecule, making it possible to eliminate it from the body.
30x More Toxic than Alcohol… Acetaldehyde aka Your Hangover!
The damage from excess drinking is not due to the alcohol, but rather, to the toxic effects from acetaldehyde
How To
For Moderate Drinking

1 sachet = 2 capcules
Take 1 sachet before drinking alcohol and flush down with water.
For Heavy Drinking

2 sachets = 4 capsules
Take 1 sachet before drinking alcohol, and take 1 more sachet before going to bed